Sunday, April 7, 2024

An Odd Feeling


This weekend has been rather odd.. I've been on edgem restless, and generally off all weekend. Right now I feel like every nerve is on alert. I've tried spending time outside since it's been nice. I've watched videos to try to calm myself down. Nothing's working. I can't focus. I can't get back from this edge. 

It's rather annoying since I'd like to be able to relax some. I'd like to be able to not have everything feel like I'm ready to crawl out of my skin. 

All at once, I want to run around, scream, cry, pull my hair out, and things I haven't been able to even pin down in my head. My shoulder's been sore lately. My wrist has been sore. I feel like I have a noose around my neck. 

I've been dealing with wanting to be around people while simultaneously not wanting to be around people. There are things I want to do that involve other people, but those things involve consent and interest by the other person. 

It's a very tough place to be in. I imagine I'm not the only one dealing with these sensations and feelings. I just wonder, dear reader, how do you get past it? I've been like this for a few days now and it's driving me insane. 

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