Today I want to go over a feeling that's hit me recently, other than the wanting to no longer be on the planet anymore (again)
That feeling dear friends, is Election Fatigue.
Now, I'm Canadian. Our Federal Election isn't scheduled for another year (Oct 2025) yet for the past, I guess 8 months or so, we have had a politician campaigning basically illegally (Our elections rules state you can only campaign once an election has been called) across Canada. Really, he's campaigning to campaign for an election, so he can campaign normally..
His followers, who are very vocal on social media, have been yelling for an election and whining that the government isn't listening to the will of the people.. Other people, who are perfectly willing to let the current administration run its course, are being called every name in the book because they're not calling for an election like they are, and are willing to stay the course, or even vote to keep the same person in power for another term.
There were two provincial elections recently and the whining has been nonstop.. Calling into question the validity of the results in one province, and just outright disbelief in another. In both cases, the party followers doing the most whining and crying of rigged and fixed are the Conservatives.
Now, Federally, we have 5 major parties. Liberal, Conservative, New Democratic Party, Green, and Bloc Quebecois.
The Bloc-heads are a Federal party but only operate in Quebec... Liberals are, I guess, like the US Democratic Party. The Conservatives are like the Republican Party. NDP is... I dunno.. Somewhere...
Provincially, we have the same parties in general, but some places have their own as well.. British Columbia is weird. They have 13 registered parties. The Liberal party is there but under a different name (BC United) They also have NDP, Conservative, Green, Libertarian, Communist, Freedom, Christian Heritage, Action, Vision, Cascadia, Direct Democracy, and the Party of Citizens Who Have Decided
To Think For Ourselves & Be Our
Own Politicians.
Well, the Conservatives had a lot of votes in the mountains and other rural areas. Liberals and NDP got votes in the populated areas. One of the issues was storage of the ballot boxes after the election. In some areas, there isn't a nearby Elections Canada office, so the boxes had to be taken to peoples' houses. Eveyone has accepted the results except the people who don't like the Federal Liberal and NDP parties.
The other province that had an election was Saskatchewan. Now, there's only 7 here..
Buffalo Party (seems to be one of those For the People, By the People deals)
Progressive Conservative (this was the former name of the Conservative Party Federally)
Saskatchewan Progress Party
Saskatchewan Party (re-elected)
Saskatchewan United Party
Again, people are complaining about the result.. I know people will complain about the result no matter who wins, but it's tiresome..
And of course, there's the Three Ringed Circus south of the Border. It's almost constantly an election or near to an election there it seems.
On Social media I'm hearing the same bullshit from the same side on both sides of the border.
(If Trump/Poilievre doesn't win, USA/Canada is screwed beyond hope! If Kamala/Justin wins it has to be rigged/stolen/work of the mysterious New World Order that wants to enslave humanity and lock us into evil 15 minute cities where our movements will be tracked!)
Now, I don't watch the news. I don't enjoy seeing this constant bombardment of shit. I don't like the constant negativity of hearing Canada/US is broken, only I (Poilievre/Trump) can fix it. I mean, if people think the place is so broken, why do people still immigrate to both places? If they think it's so broken, why don't they get out from behind the keyboard and actually do something in the community to help fix it? There are places that need volunteers. There are community associations that can work on the issues you directly face.
I'm tired. It's a circus that never ends and leaves us all as chumps no matter who wins.