Tuesday, December 3, 2024


 I don't know how it started, but I'm seeing a lot of "Canada should be the 51st State" nonsense a lot online today.. 

I think it started from Trump "joking" that Canada should just become the 51st state and Justin Trudeau would be Governor. Now.. We know what happens when Trump "jokes." It tends to be some insane idea he has that he's testing the waters of maybe following through with, depending on the reaction. 

Here's the sad part.. There are a number of people, mind you many of them are Albertan and hate Canada to begin with, that welcome this. They would welcome becoming part of the United States. They somehow think it'll benefit Canada. 


People are looking at the 2nd Amendment and salivating (again, the Texiburtans) while others think the 1st Amendment is stronger than the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which guarantees "The Freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression including freedom of the press and other media of communication."

The people looking at this and wanting this are so blinded by hatred of Justin Trudeau that they would rather willingly lose their Canadian identity and institutions in order to become part of the United States. One said this move would strengthen Canada.. No... It would make Canada cease to exist. Unless it's a Puerto Rico style thing, at which we'd basically be forgotten about until they need something from the land. 

Others, quite rightly, are saying that a single state Canada would not work. There would be a need to either keep the current provinces, or to divide the Provinces even further, depending.. We all know Texas' ego would be severely bruised if they're not the biggest.. They may not like the fact that another source of oil would be available. 

Others are talking about travel being easier and yes, that would be a benefit... However, giving up a Canadian Passport to ultimately get an American one if you want to leave North America isn't that appealing to me. 

Canada would be exploited for its resources. Canada has the most freshwater lakes in the world. Think countries wouldn't want that should something happen to their water supplies, like drought? This way it could be taken without a second thought. 

I don't think people realize how much being ill in the United States costs.. The same people who are complaining about high prices here will have their jaws hit the floor when they get their hospital bill.. 

If I was in the US when I was near death in 2021.... I don't want to know what my bill would have been. I was in hospital for a year and a half. I most likely would have been sent home before I was ready and ended up not being here. 

My friends in the United States... By no means is this rant a slight at you. I do see benefits to the "joke" plan, but I also see more drawbacks that people are discounting in their blinding hatred for Justin Trudeau. More than a few people said they'd rather it be the US than China, forgetting the fact that it was the previous Conservative Government that signed the agreement with China that allowed for things like Chinese Police Stations in Canada. 

Either way, it's a clown show.


  1. You’re absolutely correct. You don’t want to be ill here in the states. Cheers to the true north strong and free.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes. There was talk in this agreement of allowing China to have some sort of enforcement here, but I think that may have been removed, or at least not acted upon.
