Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December.. Holiday time

So.. Ryerson University has a handbook out for students that talk about the holidays and how to enjoy them. It mentions all the different cultural celebrations in the month of December but omits a rather large one.. I’m sure without even saying you know which one I speak of.

But yes, Ryerson omits Christmas from their handbook on the holidays. Why? “To be more culturally inclusive” is the answer, of course. Now.. I don’t know if I want to laugh or cry. Laugh because that’s the biggest load I’ve ever heard, or cry because it’s a massively hypocritical policy that does the opposite of what these Politically Correct inclusion monkeys are actually looking for.

I mean, really. I applaud the inclusion of other cultures’ celebrations. Just because they came to Canada doesn’t mean they have to leave their history and culture at the door. That’s not my intent, or my interest. I’m all for whatever celebrations you’re celebrating, as long as it’s reciprocated. I celebrate your holiday in a tolerant and polite manner; you do the same for mine. If I went over to India, for example, I wouldn’t expect the natives to accommodate my holiday at the expense of theirs. So it’s kind of funny that we’re so willing to give up mention of Christmas to make others feel welcome. Are we really that push-overable??

Now, the other thing that the Politically Correct Inclusion Monkeys don’t realize is that by excluding mention of Christmas in literature or conversation, you are excluding a culture. By making the other cultures feel welcome; you are pushing away the very culture WE live with.. The Canadian culture.

I’m not going to say that if we stop mentioning Christmas, the terrorists win, but.. It’s pretty close to it. By not mentioning Christmas, you’re forgetting a large portion of your student base, and your country’s base.

We’ve become too sensitive to what the whiners want that we don’t listen to what the MAJORITY want. This is a democracy. Part of that democracy is freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Excluding Christmas infringes on that freedom.

So really, this is a case where the Politically Correct Inclusion Monkeys win.. The problem is, they are the terrorists in this case as well.

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